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Did You Know?

Wells Fargo offers a number of options. Be informed, make the right decision for your business.

Submit your bid via Email, Phone or Website.

Nicole Castillo
Phone: 203-616-2166

Ruth Ditroia
Phone: 203-616-2891


Account processing is completed when equipment is repurchased:

Upon lesseeā€™s satisfaction of lease obligations and our receipt of repurchase funds, renewal billing for the lease is turned off and the customer will not be billed for additional renewal charges.

Returns can be costly, and in some instances the cost to repurchase equipment may be cheaper or equal to the cost of freight to return.

  • The average copier costs between $300-$400 to return
  • Discounts are available for larger quantity purchases
  • Potential billing for missing and damaged equipment is eliminated
  • Use copier for parts or use it as a loaner

Repurchase Payments can be expedited for immediate account processing by calling Customer Service at 800-553-7286.

Payments can be made with a credit card or business check. Reference the Lease number and amount invoiced for the repurchase.